More Books to Check Out from Tremendous Leadership

by | Leadership, News

In case you’re looking for some good books to read this month, here are a few options recommended by Tremendous Leadership:

The Three Decisions by Charlie “Tremendous” Jones

Each day we are bombarded with a seemingly endless stream of choices, a nonstop barrage of options that must be weighed and considered. When it comes right down to it, though, most of the decisions that we make on a day-to-day basis are trivial ones. How many choices will you make today that will have a measurable impact on your life next week? Or a year from now? Ten years from now? 

Charlie Jones shows us that, when we clear away the clutter that fills our daily existence, we’ll find that there are only three decisions that determine the course of each of our lives. What are they? Read The Three Decisions and find out!

From Belfast to Narnia: The Life and Faith of C.S. Lewis by The C.S. Lewis Institute

Clive Staples Lewis, better known as “Jack” to his friends and family, made only a few trips outside of his homeland, Great Britain, and yet today he is known globally as one of the greatest minds of the 20th century. Through his timeless writings, he has touched and moved the lives of countless individuals in his time and beyond. In this brief introduction to his life and works you will uncover what inspired him, what drove him and what experiences shaped the life of this extraordinary writer, theologian and friend of God.

The C.S. Lewis Institute was founded in 1976.  In the legacy of C.S. Lewis, we develop disciples of Jesus Christ who will articulate, defend, share and live their faith in public and personal life. We’re not a C.S. Lewis fan club, but rather hope to raise up thousands like Lewis who sought to live wholeheartedly as a disciple of Jesus Christ in all areas of life.

Protected by Bob Kelly

Bob Kelly shares the start of his business career that seemed safe and simple enough but would unexpectedly turn dangerous. You’ll read about his brief and unsuccessful “career” in life insurance, sandwiched between twenty years as a banker and two years in the Bible-smuggling world—a world hidden behind what was figuratively—and accurately—described as an “Iron Curtain.”

Burnett or Bridgett by Dr. Tracey C. Jones

Nothing will kill the spirit of a great employee faster than watching leadership tolerate a bad employee. Bridgett & Burnett: A Tale of Two Employees is a modern-day parable that brings to light the right and wrong ways of being a part of a corporate workplace.

Employees will learn :

  • Should you use company time to work on your personal projects?
  • How should you respond to change?
  • Are you within your rights to just walk off the job?

Managers and business owners will realize:

  • How can one “bad apple” spoil the bunch?
  • What are the warning signs of a disruptive employee?
  • What is the “point of no return” when dealing with “Burnetts”?

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