Suggested Books to Check Out from Tremendous Leadership

by | Leadership, News

In case you’re looking for some good books to read this month, here are a few options recommended by Tremendous Leadership:

Discipleship by John M. Segal

Discipleship is one of those ‘Christianese’ words that is not only intimidating to a new follower of Christ, but can even be beyond comprehension.

In Discipleship, author John M. Segal shares his understanding of the difference between discipleship and salvation, and what that means for people in today’s culture. His plain language approach openly states his own early perspective of hypocrisy in the church, and how his attempt for spiritual growth brought him to the truth in scripture.

The Love of God by Charlie “Tremendous” Jones

Renowned speaker and bestselling author Charlie “Tremendous” Jones shares how he went from believing there was no such thing as love to finding its actual source. Charlie entered the world as a broken child who later became a successful husband, father, and life insurance salesman. Yet, none of these accomplishments gave him true and lasting fulfillment. His message reflects on his work, his wife, his children, and his worldview. You’ll read about the books and the people that completely revolutionized his understanding of the word “love.”

In today’s world of divisiveness and brokenness, this gem magnifies the greatest gift in the universe in a tremendously transparent and transformational way. When we experience the Love of God, our vitality and joy in all things ignites. Throughout his lifetime—and even today—people still recall and reflect on Mr. Jones’s immutable sense of hope and optimism. On these pages, you’ll find the actual source.

The Reason Why by R.A. Laidlaw

Robert A. Laidlaw, a highly successful businessman, appeals to his staff to join him in the Christian life. A landmark of modern Christian literature, The Reason Why is just as essential and compelling today as it was ninety years ago.

The Reason Why is thirty pages long. It very patiently goes through the intellectual questions you and I have about the existence of God, the Bible and the Word of God, ultimately, God’s offer and plan for our salvation and eternal life with Him.

My Conversion by Charles Spurgeon

In this small book, Charles lays out the moment of his conversion to faith beginning with a moment as follows, “I am inclined to believe that I had heard the gospel fully preached many hundreds of times before and that this was the difference, – that I then heard it as though I heard it not; and when I did hear it, the message may not have been any more clear in itself than it had been at former times, but the power of the Holy Spirit was present to open my ear, and to guide the message to my heart: “LOOK UNTO ME, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth; As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up: that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life”; yet I had no intelligent idea of what faith meant.”

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