Tremendous Leadership Shares More Books to Help You Grow

by | Leadership, News

As Spring approaches, here are a few great leadership books recommended by Tremendous Leadership to help you bloom:

Eternal Life Insurance Policy by Charlie “Tremendous” Jones

Used for many years by Charlie “Tremendous” Jones, The Eternal Life Insurance Policy is an outstanding Christian tract that lays out the plan of salvation in the form of a life insurance policy.

As a new believer of Jesus Christ, working as an insurance salesman, it made the most sense to Charlie “Tremendous” Jones to share the good news of Jesus Christ with others through familiar language. He immediately sat down to write this Tremendous tract now available in packs of 100.

The 7 Leadership Virtues of Joan of Arc by Peter Darcy

The 7 Leadership Virtues of Joan of Arc is a powerful catalog of the traits that made a mark on history. This small book tells the tale of her leadership virtues as a mystic and a warrior who obeyed the command of God to perform extraordinary deeds. Because of her virtue, she had a profound effect on both the earthly and heavenly kingdoms.

Among all the excellent qualities Joan of Arc exhibited in her short life, this book focuses on these seven: spirit (her spiritual formation and personal zeal); identity (her strong sense of self and personal calling); power (her excellent judgment in using coercive power to save her country); mobility (her purposeful action in executing her mission); realism (her ability to judge correctly what to do in complex situations); attraction (her immense powers of persuasion); and inspiration (the way in which she called the men and women of her day to heroism).

Luther on Leadership by Steven J. Nichols

Five hundred years ago, a stubborn and towering thinker named Martin Luther lodged his complaints against the church and launched a religious revolution that is still felt today. Luther’s leadership enabled him to stand strong, despite being labeled a heretic and excommunicated.

This book outlines five leadership tenants of Luther, the man whose theological trajectory allowed millions to find a personal relationship with God. Learn how this seminal figure stood up for his beliefs and saw that truth was dispensed to the masses. Leadership is costly, lonely, and wearisome, yet Luther stayed true to his convictions and changed the course of history! Read what made this theologian a hero whose impact is still celebrated centuries later.

The Tremendous Power of Prayer by Charlie T. Jones and Bob Kelly

This beautiful collection of thoughts on prayer as expressed by some of the greatest minds past and present will embolden your heart and inspire your spirit as you contemplate the tremendous power of prayer. You will read quotes from Oswald Chambers, Billy Graham, Elisabeth Elliot, Charles Spurgeon, C.S. Lewis, Harry Emerson Fosdick, Helen Keller, and many more.

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