DAS Audio Helping To Usher In New Level Of Engagement At Ontario Church

by | Audio, Case Studies, Production

Established in 2000, House of Praise in Mississauga, Ontario, one of the parishes of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, recently moved into a new, larger location that’s been equipped with a new sound reinforcement system utiizing loudspeakers and subwoofers from DAS Audio.

A/V integration and live production firm Ashen White Audio Visual Executives (Mississauga) designed and installed the new system at House of Praise. Working in conjunction with David Gardner, President of Supreme Media Distributions of Pickering, Ontario, which serves as the authorized distributor of DAS products in the region, the Ashen White team deployed a loudspeaker set consisting of 28 DAS Event-210A 3-way powered line array enclosures augmented by a dozen Event-218A powered sub bass enclosures, along with 10 DAS Event-210A 3-way powered stage monitors.

Mike Greco, Account Executive and Production Designer for Ashen White, explains, “House of Praise recently upgraded their facilities, as they are growing dramatically. Their old sanctuary seated 500 people and the new one seats 1,500. Services are contemporary in nature and include both a praise band and a vocal team. The space measures 90 feet wide by 160 feet long and there is a 20 foot by 40 foot stage with a side wing for the praise band.”

To properly cover the space, Greco and his crew flew three loudspeaker clusters across the front of the stage area. The right and left hangs each consist of six DAS Event-210A powered line array enclosures while the center cluster employs four Event-210A boxes and is positioned to cover the immediate down fill area directly in front of the stage. Spread across the front of the stage floor, there are six Event-210A stage monitors. Another four such enclosures are used by the praise band off to the side of the stage.

Mike Greco of Ashen White with one of the church’s new DAS Event-210A stage monitors.

“Being a 3-way enclosure, the Event-210A is an extremely musical loudspeaker,” Greco says. “Music plays a vital role in the church’s services and the DAS loudspeakers reproduce that music with excellent detail and clarity. Equally important is speech intelligibility, because without that, the congregation has trouble understanding what’s being said. In this regard, the Event-210A is terrific. Combined with first-rate hardware that makes these loudspeakers much easier to fly and position, they make a terrific setup. Combined with the powerful, articulate low end produced by the Event-218A subs, this is one rockin’ system.”

The House of Praise installation occurred in late July 2020, with the first use of the system coming shortly after. Since then, Greco reports the system has been very well received. “We’ve received numerous kudos for the system, including from church management and members of the congregation,” he concludes. “The music reproduction and the clear, articulate dialog this system produces have really impressed people. Simply put, it’s been a win-win for everyone involved.”

DAS Audio
Ashen White Audio Visual Executives

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