RF Venue Introduces Free Wireless Performance Calculator

by | Audio, Gear, News, Production

RF Venue has announced the new RF Venue Performance Calculator, a free online tool designed to provide faster, less complex wireless system performance predictions to help foster more reliable performance.

The tool does some of the time-consuming steps of system performance calculation in advance, incorporating the needed specifications within the software. Users of the calculator select system components via a handful of drop-down menus – microphone make and series, distance from mic to antenna, cabling type and length, RF Venue antenna/distro distribution system models and, if known, the RF noise floor of the performance space. With a tap of a Calculate button, the results are indicated by a traffic light indication of go (green), caution (yellow), or no-go (red).

“Typical RF link budget calculator tools are so comprehensive and detailed that they become nearly impossible to use for the average wireless system operator,” says RF Venue president Chris Regan. “Now, with our new wireless Performance Calculator, there’s a much simpler option. Our customers are thrilled with the calculator’s performance and ease of use.”

The RF Venue Performance Calculator is available for use here. A visual walk-through is available on the RF Venue blog, as is the “Create a Link Budget” video for users who want to learn more about the parameters that affect the prediction model.

RF Venue

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