RF Venue Eliminates Guesswork with Free Wireless System Builder Tool

by | Gear, Production

WirelessSystemBuilder.com by RF Venue is a new, free, simple-to-use online tool for matching compatible wireless microphone and in-ear monitor systems to available white space spectrum at any location in the U.S.

The brand-agnostic app connects a daily-updated FCC database to a proprietary device recommendation engine to provide a location-specific list of compatible wireless systems across major manufacturers. Wireless System Builder saves time for system designers, sales reps, and end users of wireless systems by delivering a full range of product options in seconds, while reducing the risk of specifying a wireless mic or in-ear monitor with limited available tuning range at the project location.
Wireless System Builder also takes the guesswork out of essential accessory selection by providing a compatible list of RF Venue Essential antennas, distros, and combiners to accommodate systems up to 16 channels. The app outputs a customizable report that can be shared via link, PDF, or email. Designed to be the starting point for designing wireless systems, WirelessSystemBuilder.com is free to use and does not require an account, login or email signup.

“With more devices competing for less available spectrum, not only has operating wireless systems become more difficult, but navigating the pre-sale specification experience has become a maze of model numbers and frequency bands,” commented RF Venue President Chris Regan. “WirelessSystemBuilder.com does not recommend one manufacturer or product ahead of any other; it simply does all the research for you to determine which will have the most open tuning range at your project location. The app is so easy and quick to use – you can build a system live with a customer on the phone in under thirty seconds. No more complicated frequency tables, clumsy TV databases, or waiting on support tickets.”

Wireless System Builder joins a growing suite of online tools by RF Venue for managing wireless microphone and in-ear monitor projects, including the popular Wireless Performance Calculator, which analyzes antennas, cable runs, and other system elements to estimate overall system performance. 

Learn more: rfvenue.com

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