Grace Community Church In Texas Streams Services With JVC Components

by | AVL Projects, News, Production

In light of the pandemic, Grace Community Church in Glen Rose, TX recently began live streaming its Sunday service utilizing a pair of KY-PZ100 PTZ cameras and an RM-LP100 controller from JVC Professional Video as key components in the process.

Church member and AV consultant Chris Blake oversaw the acquisition and installation of the equipment. In order to capture the entire worship service, Blake opted to install one JVC KY-PZ100 at the rear/center of the room, approximately 75-feet from the platform. The other camera is off to the side, roughly 40-feet from the platform. Both are mounted above the heades of the congregation to ensure they’re out of anyone’s line of sight.

“When we started to review our options, one of our biggest considerations was the desired position of the cameras,” Blake explsins. “Since our plan was to install one at the back of the space, we needed a long zoom — and the JVC cameras offer that. We also found that JVC has good optics in terms of both the lens and the sensor.”

According to Blake, the positioning of the cameras tie into Grace Community Church with regards to its size and capabilities. “We value keeping our space an atmosphere of worship,” he notes. “The idea of setting up tripods and having extra volunteers that need to run cameras reminded us more of a TV studio than a worship space. Since we are a smaller church, we chose the JVC PTZ cameras because they are discreet and high-quality; and they have excellent performance.”

Working with Stream Dudes in Chicago, Grace Community Church also added a JVC RM-LP100 controller. “We felt that a hardware-based controller solution would be easier for volunteers to run, compared to a computer with software,” continues Blake. “The JVC controller is straightforward and easy for our volunteers to use, and they really love it. Price, quality and ease-of-use were really the main factors for us. The JVC system, and its ability to easily integrate with other products, fit the bill.

JVC Professional Video

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