“5D Theory” represents the five key reasons (starting with D) why people often visit a church for the first time: Divorce, Death, Displacement, Disaster, and Development. These guests are likely seeking comfort, community, and spiritual guidance during a significant...
Church Rescue
One of my current guilty pleasures is watching the TV show "Bar Rescue" on the Paramount Network, hosted by the explosive Jon Tapper. He goes into a dysfunctional bar and whips it into shape. I've seen enough episodes to understand the commonalities amongst these...
Effective Strategies to Re-Engage Your Community this Fall
As summer winds down, a new school year approaches, and people settle back into their routines, it’s time to re-engage with your congregation and revitalize the energy in your church. This transitional period offers a unique opportunity for pastors and church teams to...
Is Your Media for Church Fueling Growth and Engagement?
Does the media you create for your church struggle to gain consistent engagement from your audience? Those of us involved in digital ministry and online video content creation don't just create media for church for the sake of it. We do it because it's a powerful way...
Hosting Events in Your Church Facility
Churches these days represent a lot more than just providing a brick-and-mortar venue where people come together to worship. Today, churches are communities. Yes, today parishioners don’t just arrive at church, attend service and go home. They visit the social hall...
Opening a Digital Doorway to Faith – Does Your Church Website Empower or Hinder Your Ministry?
Today, over 80% of church leaders say their website is their primary method of attracting new members. With 33% of church attendees discovering their church online, it’s increasingly essential for churches to maintain an up-to-date website that clearly communicates...
Overcoming the Summer Slump: Flexibility is Key for Year-Round Church Financial Health
Each summer, churches encounter the well-known "Summer Slump," a seasonal downturn in attendance that, coupled with a broader decline in church attendance—especially among individuals under 30—adds to the financial uncertainty faced by many congregations. This trend...
How Houses of Worship Can Expand Reach and Simplify Operations with Display Technologies
By Daniel Wheeler, DSCE Senior Hospitality Account Manager LG Business Solutions Houses of worship have long embraced technology to help deliver their messages to congregants, from audio amplification systems and projectors to overflow room TVs and, more recently,...
Hold on to First-time Guests (7 Retention Tips)
Welcoming first-time guests to your church, and encouraging them to return, involves thoughtful planning and intentional actions. Here are seven practical steps to help ensure that first-time guests become long-term members of your church community: 1. Warm and...
Using Videos to Enhance Church Communications
Creating a video or website video full of faith-centered content is vital to any church. People often head to church websites to glean from the information provided. They want to learn, and they want to grow. What if you could give the people what they want by...
Strategic Communication in a World of Information Overload
The average person receives between 100-120 emails a day. The average person bounces between seven different social networks per month. The average person sees around 10,000 ads per day. The average person sends 72 texts per day. The average millennial...
Communicating to Make Your Church a 7-day Destination
As a ministry leader, your church facility is more than just a place of worship on Sundays. It should be a vibrant hub that serves the community seven days a week. Transforming your church into a 7-day a week destination is not only a great vision but also a mission...
Discover the Leadership and Management Training Sessions at CFX!
Each of the three days of this year's Church Facilities Expo, to be held in Dallas October 9-11, will have a full schedule of sessions of interest to pastors, executive pastors, and leadership teams at churches of all sizes. The sessions, covering a wide variety of...
Church Management Systems: What a Church Must Communicate
Using a church management system (ChMS) can greatly enhance communication within a church community. But remember, it’s a two-way system that requires your members and you to engage with it. Here are some tips to effectively use a ChMS for communication in your church...
7 Essential Rules for an Effective Church Greeters Ministry
The church greeters ministry is essential for every church. Why? Because your congregation needs to feel a welcoming community. A church greeter ministry spreads hospitable people throughout the entire church as part of an effective first impressions ministry. Think...
Listen Technologies Celebrates 25 Years Of Providing Exceptional Listening Experiences
Listen Technologies Corporation, a leading provider of advanced wireless listening solutions, will mark a milestone anniversary on June 4, celebrating 25 years of helping people hear clearly. Listen Technologies offers assistive listening and communication solutions...
CFX is Looking for Communication and Team Development Speakers
The 2023 Church Facilities Expo (CFX) is looking for church leaders who are passionate about helping others! Come share your tips and strategies that will help attendees build their skills and training so they can focus more on their mission and less on the...
How to Plan a Successful Easter Service
Churches often see their highest attendance numbers on Easter Sunday. Some worshippers regularly attend services, others may attend infrequently with family and friends as part of tradition, while others may be “holy days only” worshippers. Regardless of why people...
How and Why to Start Your Own Church Podcast
Podcasts have become an increasingly popular way to share information and ideas and to make a global impact. Before we talk about the how, let's talk about the why. In this article, we will explore some of the reasons why churches should consider starting a podcast,...
How to Become a Better Public Speaker
Ok its almost time to do your speech, but you're nervous. It’s ok to be nervous, in fact it’s normal. The best speakers get nervous. Nervous is a feeling, it doesn't define you. You may not be able to shake your nerves entirely, but you can learn to minimize them. Be...
The Metaverse & The Church
How in the world can the metaverse be a place for churches to connect with people? It may be a more viable option than you think!