How a Health Care Sharing Ministry Supports Your Church’s Mission

by | Administration, Leadership, Operations

Originally posted on OneShare Health

What if you could offer your community of believers a health care program rooted in faith and spiritual support? Something that goes beyond the teachings and is a tangible plan, readily available in a time of crisis, to help avoid debt and strife, or to simply encourage a healthy body as well as a healthy spirit. Did you know religious health care organizations, an alternative to the Affordable Care Act (ACA), that drive prosperity back into the ministry it serves is possible?

Health Care Sharing Ministries (HCSM) strive to provide a spiritual and faith-based health care system by cultivating a strong Christian Sharing Community that trusts God and embraces compassionate care. Christian ministry plans bring your community closer as members are sharing one another’s medical expenses and demonstrate the love of God to the entire community.

COVID-19 drastically impacted our lives, making them different from what we saw or planned for the last few years. We have been challenged to integrate technology into all aspects of our daily lives and healthcare is no exception. HCSMs strive to keep up with ever-changing technology needs, and support Members however possible using Telemedicine or in-person appointments.

Being a part of religious health care organizations connects you to like-minded believers, bound to each other by moral obligations, while a standard insurance provider only binds the insured by legal contracts.

As Romans 12:10 states, we should, “Be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love, in honor giving preference to one another.” It is this brotherly love, cheerful giving (2 Corinthians 9:7), and encouragement (1 Thessalonians 5:11), which is the driving force behind our Mission to change the healthcare industry. Health care should not be a burden. Instead, it should be an affordable part of everyday life, one of which our brothers and sisters in Christ help us carry as a Family. 

A Christian health share offers medical sharing plans in place of Christian health insurance for your church.

Although Health Care Sharing Ministry Programs are not considered to be traditional health insurance, they are great alternatives and are exempt from the ACA law. One of the most popular differences between Obamacare and Health Care Sharing Ministry Programs is that Health Care Sharing Ministries offer open enrollment all year long to new Members. Health Care Sharing Ministry Programs share or “cover” an array of medical costs and services. 

One example of a Health Care Sharing Ministry is OneShare Health. OneShare Health provides our Members with national network access for medical needs, including hospitals, surgeries, emergency rooms, urgent care clinics, primary care physicians, and specialists. OneShare Health Members have shared over $114 million in medical costs.

Interested in learning more? Don’t be afraid to explore ACA-exempt Health Care Sharing Ministries that provide flexible and affordable health care options that fit your congregation’s needs, medically, spiritually, and financially. Religious health care organizations link members together to help one another in their health journey through shared spiritual wellness and practices.

About OneShare Health

Members love being a part of our Sharing Community. And they tell us they appreciate being a Member of a Christian healthshare plan that puts health and wellness in mind, body, and spirit first. Join together with our loving Community to spread God’s love, live out his Commandments, and further your own missions. Find out how!


“Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.”

Hebrews 13:16 (ESV)

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