The Commandment We Brag About Breaking

by | Leadership, Podcasts, Team Development

We wear busyness as badges of honor—both inside and outside of the church. We believe lies about rest because we find our value and identity in our work. The American Church culture values doing ministry at a breakneck speed, but burnout rates are quickly growing. Listen in on this lively conversation as Anh Johnson talks with Eric Byrd about the importance of following one of the easiest commandments to break and how to practically make Sabbath a reality.

Meet Anh and Eric

Anh Johnson

Anh Johnson is passionate about people. This passion has led her to work in many arenas ranging from tech to ministry. She has served in several ministry roles as an ordained pastor, including being a church planter. Anh currently works at a tech company that serves churches, and she also serves in her local church.

She is happily married for 10 years and together, they raise their tiny typhoons in Bellingham, WA. You can find Anh cooking up all sorts of delicious foods to feed people, walking miles for fun, and teaching people how they can care for themselves so they can then care for others.

Eric Byrd

Eric Byrd is the Director of Worship & Media at Frederick Church of the Brethren. He has a Master’s in Ministry: Leadership degree, as well as an Undergraduate and Master’s degree in Music. He is the director of the gospel choir at Messiah University and has been on church staff on and off for most of the last 30 years. His podcast is Attention to Detail with Eric Byrd, co-hosted with his son Jason. His consulting company is VIP Consulting: Leadership Done Well, where he partners with churches and faith-based institutions to assist in organizational change.

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