The Timeline of a Construction Project

by | CFX Online, Design-Build, Facilities, Leadership

Explore a realistic and purposeful path that will yield maximum results from vision casting, fund raising, borrowing, and even project construction costs. Learn the answers to these questions: When do I start my capital campaign? When do I talk to a lender? When do I hire an architect and builder? And when do we tell the church family? Many churches understand some of the steps needed, but far too often when the steps are taken out of order it can have devastating outcomes. Let Rodney James, a former administrator and pastor, better equip you to walk through your next project!

This training is shared as content from our CFX 2020 Virtual Event. You can experience the same quality of content as this at CFX 2021.

Meet Rodney James:

Rodney’s the President of Master’s Plan Church Design & Construction. He was raised building buildings with his father. God called him to full-time ministry where he served as the church administrator and later as senior pastor for 20 years. Having led his church through 3 major projects, Rodney understands the full process from discovering need, to vision casting, to designing and building ministry-related projects.

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