How to Protect Your Glass Against Forced-Entry, Bomb-Blasts, and Natural Disasters

by | Building Health, Design-Build, Facilities, Security, Security Connections, Webinars & Podcasts

As seen in the Sandy Hook and Nashville school shootings, glass doors and window are easily breached. What’s more, they pose a significant risk to life during bomb blasts and natural disasters when broken shards become airborne. Join our upcoming webinar to learn how to:

  • Delay or deny a perpetrator from entering through glass doors or windows
  • Understand the difference between security film, polycarbonate, and ballistic glass
  • Assess your building(s) vulnerabilities based on the Federal Government’s zoned approach

Note: For your convenience, a link to the video will be emailed to all registrants, enabling you to watch the video at any time, as many times as you’d like. There will be no simulated live playback session.

Register and watch now

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