Active Intelligence Drives Transformation to Proactive Security

by | Products, Security, Security Connections

Active Intelligence, pioneer of anomaly detection software for physical security and business intelligence applications, is driving the transformation to proactive security solutions. The company’s groundbreaking ASTRA™ Video Anomaly Detection software delivers real-time video anomaly detection for a virtually unlimited number of security, safety, compliance, and commercial/industrial applications across the enterprise. ASTRA’s wide-ranging capabilities and successful integration with leading video management solutions (VMS) continue to gain traction with users across virtually every vertical market globally.

“Now integrated with many of the industry’s leading VMS solutions, ASTRA delivers the field-proven ability to transform conventional video systems from being reactive to proactive, forward-looking solutions with extreme accuracy and cost-efficiency,” said Ken LaMarca, CEO, Active Intelligence. “As ASTRA continues to gain awareness with industry professionals around the globe, it has opened new opportunities for expansion with a host of new strategic technology and systems integration partners here in the U.S., as well as in the Middle East and South America.”

ASTRA Video Anomaly Detection provides the unparalleled ability to identify when anything out of the ordinary occurs in a scene, including an act of violence, an individual in distress, or a product falling off an assembly line. The real-time video security solution detects any anomaly in a scene using statistical data analysis without any predetermined rules or parameters, bias or human judgement. ASTRA’s efficient design also allows for hundreds of video streams to run on a single server, significantly reducing the time and cost of deployment versus conventional video analytics software.

To date, ASTRA is integrated with the Milestone XProtect, Genetec Security Center, and Qognify Ocularis VMS platforms, with others in development. “Integrations with these key technology partners greatly increases our visibility with a tremendous base of users around the world,” continued LaMarca. “We anticipate continued steady growth as more security professionals see firsthand just how transformative and powerful ASTRA is for proactive security and business intelligence applications.”

About Active Intelligence

Active Intelligence is an international video security technology firm on a mission to drive the industry into the future with a flagship product that transforms video security systems from a forensic resource to a prevention tool. Started in 2019 by a trio of security industry leaders and visionaries, Active Intelligence builds upon a foundation of deep industry knowledge in corporate security, public safety, and homeland security. 

Active Intelligence’s debut security software offering, ASTRA, is designed to change the way video security is approached – shifting from forensic investigation to real- time prevention. Harnessing the power of artificial intelligence and machine learning, ASTRA is empowering operators through autonomous anomaly detection, allowing them to get ahead of developing situations and intervene before it’s too late.

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