Bi-directional Engagement

by | Lighting, Production

A church service that invites active participation rather than passive observation and envelops the congregation in a community is much more engaging and energizing. Colored, dynamic lighting in the sanctuary can create an inviting space and an immersive environment that helps unify the audience and the worship leaders, and it can extend the look and feel from the platform into the house. 

Starting before the service, a brightly lit and colorful walk-in look can help welcome and usher in attendees upon arrival and signal transitions in the service or signal the end of a service. Special occasions and holidays can also be recognized with the appropriate colors. Color accents can help create an aesthetically pleasing environment for worship.

Some white light LED fixtures also can change color, and having the ability to immerse the sanctuary in saturated color can help set the mood for the delivery of a message or praise and worship. It can allow the pastor to tell a story more engagingly and it can help engross the congregation, set the mood, and capture their attention. Some of these luminaires use a simple combination of red, green, and blue LEDs to produce white light and colored light. These fixtures typically do not render white light or colors well. Other fixtures use a combination of red, green, blue, deep blue (or royal blue), mint, and amber LEDs to better cover the color spectrum. These fixtures tend to render white light and colors much better.

Whether it is more subtle or drastic, color-changing house lights can heighten the experience and enliven the mood in the sanctuary. The Chroma-Q Inspire, including the Inspire Mini and Inspire XT are great tools for creating energy and extending it from the platform into the house using white or color-changing LED lighting.

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