Learn Who’s Exhibiting at CFX Essentials

by | CFX Essentials

While the CFX Essentials conference, coming to Charlotte, NC April 28-29 will be shorter than the main CFX conference, there will be a lot to fill attendees’ time. Similar in concept of paring session tracks down to two (Hybrid Production and Facility Design, Use, and Safety), CFXE won’t have quite as many exhibitors as at the main conference, but there will be enough for you and your team to investigate, and more are being added.

The number of exhibitors has been limited to 35 at CFXE, compared to 180 at the main CFX event, to enable attendees to meet with all the exhibitors as well as attend sessions, in just a day and a half. Plus, the exhibitors present will include the industry giants you want to see, presenting their latest products, and answering any questions you may have. Confirmed vendors and sponsors include:

AE Global Media, Inc.

Church Coach Ministries


Studio Four Design

JH Batten Design Builder

Stream Station

Michael Graves


Blue Bridge Financial


Clear Digital.

There’s still time to book space as an exhibitor! For more information email Laura McDermott at Lmcdermott@WorshipFacility.com or call 617-596-9309. For more information about CFX Essentials and to register, click here.

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