If you are thinking of requiring staff to get the COVID-19 vaccination, be prepared. According to recent research, 28 percent of employees “said they are willing to lose their jobs if their employer requires the COVID-19 vaccine.”
So, What Should You Do?
- Educate staff on the vaccine.
- Listen to concerns.
- Determine if unvaccinated staff “pose a direct threat to the health or safety of individuals in the workplace.”
- ADA Exception: If they DO pose a direct threat, then you need to consider whether a reasonable accommodation can be made, such as working remotely.
- Civil Rights Act Exception: If a staff member has a sincerely held religious belief, practice or observance, again, look for reasonable accommodations. Even as a faith-based organization, this still may pose an issue.
- Think through other issues:
- If you require staff to be vaccinated, and they have a bad reaction to the vaccine, are you liable?
- Also, a number of states are considering laws saying that employers CANNOT mandate the vaccine, so make sure you know your rights and limitations.
- If you decide to require it…
- Educate staff
- Make getting the vaccine easy
- Cover the costs
- Provide incentives to get vaccinated
- Give paid time off for those who have a reaction to the vaccine
- Be equal in how you apply your requirements
The Bottom Line?
Unless there is a very specific reason you need to require it, think twice about making this a mandate.
We also suggest waiting to see what the public schools in your area decide when it comes to requiring teachers and staff to be vaccinated, as well as students.
Questions? Schedule a free consult.

This article provided by HR Ministry Solutions.