Welcome to Worship Facility Lighting Connections!

by | Editorial, Lighting, Production

I am honored to present you Worship Facility Lighting Connections, a new monthly email newsletter entirely devoted to lighting. In each issue we’ll have content categories covering lighting for video & streaming, service and performance areas, safety, maintenance, purchasing, product reviews, case studies and more. 

As editor, I will be bringing my 35 years of experience in entertainment and production industry to these topics, but what we want is your input so we can customize these articles for you.  Please feel free to reach out to me at bdipaolo@worshipfacility.com with any questions or topics you may have. If you have been involved in a recent lighting upgrade lets talk about it! If you’re a lighting company making new and exciting products let’s see them and check them out!  This is your chance as a reader to contact with us for new and upcoming articles.  I look forward to hearing from you, and seeing your reaction to this new email newsletter!

Sign Up for the Worship Facility Newsletter!


Worship Facility Podcast: Stewardship

David Leuschner and micrentals.com president Stephen Arruda discuss church stewardship. Topics include: How does poor stewardship lead to burnout? How can budgeting be made easier? The best way to manage capital assets How your personal finance habits can shape...

10 Churches Nailing Their Social Media Headers

Most people checking out your church will view you on social before they visit you in a service. The problem is that most of us set up our social platforms a while ago and haven’t revisited the header content in years. Which means it is probably outdated. I recently...

Language-Inclusive Sermons at Mercy Hill Church, Milwaukee

In the summer of 2024, Mercy Hill Church in Milwaukee, WI, implemented KUDO AI Speech Translator to make their Sunday sermons and services accessible in any language for their congregation. Live-translated audio and subtitles are now available to the congregation...

New Year, New Video Updates

It's a New Year, so make sure your video system is ready for 2025! Starting preventive maintenance and updating your video streaming system for your house of worship involves a structured approach to ensure the system is reliable, high-quality, and up-to-date. A...