Welcome to Worship Facility!

by | Editorial

Welcome to Worship Facility, the newest publication from EH Media. Whether you’re here for the first time because one of us met you at an expo or whether you were a long-time reader of CFX Connections looking for new content, we’re sure we have something that will interest and inform you.

We pick up where CFX Connections left off. We will provide information every week in the form of articles, product listings, case studies, podcasts, and webinars to serve you in the three key areas of Production, Facilities Management, and Leadership. Whether you’re the pastor of a small church wondering how to keep your staff of volunteers motivated and productive or you’re a big church considering a move or remodel, we’ll have content for you.

This month we attended the FILO conference in Chicago to meet many of you and learn the latest information to present to you from about church production, design, and leadership. Next month we’ll be on the road again at InfoComm, and October 25-26 we look forward to seeing you in Dallas at Church Facilities Expo.

While you’re here, we hope you’ll take a moment to click to subscribe to Connections, the free weekly newsletter that will send our content right to your email box. You may also want to check out the current poll, where we ask if a design-build project is currently on your radar.

We hope you like what you see here with our new publication, and that the content helps you in whatever role you may have at your church. We also hope you’ll come back next week to see what new items we have for you then. Thanks for stopping by.

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Hosting Events in Your Church Facility

Churches these days represent a lot more than just providing a brick-and-mortar venue where people come together to worship. Today, churches are communities. Yes, today parishioners don’t just arrive at church, attend service and go home. They visit the social hall...

5 Leadership Communication Challenges (How to Overcome Them)

Effective communication is the foundation of successful church leadership. However, many pastors face challenges in this area that can hinder their ability to lead and connect with their congregation (and community). Here are some common communication challenges with...

Lawo’s Unified Platform Grows in All Directions

Lawo presents its comprehensive portfolio of flexible and scalable audio, video, control, and monitoring solutions with a slew of innovations and enhancements to its IP-based broadcast solutions. One highlight is the official launch of the HOME mc² DSP app – announced...

Reflectors & Three-Point Video Lighting

Over the last few years pretty much everyone was involved in some type of video streaming or at least attended numerous video meetings, or watched a documentary filled with interviews.  When venues started streaming full-time they used whatever lighting they used for...