Shure Files Petition With FCC To Open Dedicated UHF Channel For Wireless Microphone Use

by | Audio, News, Production

Shure Incorporated has petitioned the United States Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to reverse its recent decision and ensure that at least one “vacant” 6 MHz UHF channel is designated in each market for wireless microphone use. A press statement from Shure:

The FCC recently terminated the “Vacant Channels” rulemaking that was opened during the 600 MHz incentive auction and declined to authorize a dedicated UHF TV channel for wireless microphone use. Shure disagrees with the FCC conclusions and rationale for terminating the proceeding and has asked the commission to reverse the decision.

Shure’s petition argues the wireless microphone community needs clear spectrum now more than ever, as the 600 MHz band has been reallocated to mobile phone use and the DTV repack has moved many TV stations into the 500MHz spectrum. At the same time, broadcast, performance, and sporting productions continue to demand more channels of wireless microphones than ever before.

The “alternative” frequencies identified by the FCC in 2017 for wireless microphone use at 900 MHz, 1.4 GHz, and 7 GHz fall far short of addressing the needs of wireless microphone users. These bands do not have the same characteristics and operational flexibility as UHF frequencies. Because these bands are occupied by licensed users in other industries, access to these bands for wireless microphone use is conditioned on sharing requests, which can be lengthy and ultimately denied.

The 600 MHz duplex gap and VHF frequencies offer interference and other considerations that constrain use. Together, these other spectrum resources are helpful, but are not practical alternatives to UHF, and the certainty of having access to at least one vacant UHF channel is important to meet demand for wireless microphone use. The designated UHF channel would also be important for applications that include intercom, IFB and others.

This is essential for industries that rely on wireless microphones such as sports, broadcasting, performing arts, entertainment, houses of worship, education, and recording artists. These organizations rely on open and clear spectrum for microphones, in-ear communication devices, cue and control devices, and equipment controlling devices. Every professional sports game, concert, live TV production, theater performance, and more relies on open and clear spectrum to maintain production quality. Without it, production integrity can be compromised.

Shure, and its allies, believe the FCC should consider the current spectrum concerns of wireless microphone users and designate for wireless microphone use, a vacant UHF channel in each U.S. market wherever possible.

“The amount of available UHF spectrum for wireless microphone use continues to shrink,” states Ahren Hartman, Vice President, Corporate Quality, Shure. “With the loss of 700 MHz, 600 MHz, and the DTV repack into 500 MHz, we are at an all-time low for access to UHF spectrum. However, the need for open and clear wireless microphone spectrum is higher than ever before.”


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