Welcome to Video and Lighting Connections!

by | Editorial, Lighting Connections, Video Connections

Welcome to the first issue of Video and Lighting Connections! Now as we begin our second year of publishing our newsletters, based on reader feedback, we’re bringing the two together into one newsletter. As our frequent contributor, Graeme Spencer has said, “Good lighting is critical to video content. You can do great video content with good lighting and bad cameras. You can’t do good video content with bad lighting and a nice camera.”

We’ll still be putting out the newsletter twice a month, at the same time each month, and you’ll be getting more content that’s important to you, including:

  • Lighting tips for live worship service
  • Lighting for video and streaming content
  • Stage design
  • Rigging and safety
  • Camera techniques
  • Video direction and editing
  • Streaming tips
  • New Gear
  • Lighting and video gear maintenance
  • Tech team development
  • New case studies.

We hope like the changes we’ve made. I’d love to hear any feedback you have. As always, feel free to reach out to me at glass@worshipfacility.com.

Until then, enjoy, and I look forward to seeing you in Chattanooga at the Tech Arts Conference at CFX, October 21-23!

Gene Lass
Worship Facility Media

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Worship Facility Podcast: AI

In this episode, David Leuschner talks to Kenny Jahng and Corey Alderin about using artificial intelligence. Points include: What is A.I.? How to use A.I. Can A.I. get you in trouble? How A.I. can aid your social media.  Listen to the podcast here:

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